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Professional Training Facts 2008

Today organisations are increasingly specialised in their activities and faced with turbulent markets. So, it is becoming more and more important for organisations to manage competences internally and a continuous competence development for employees and managers is a key factor for an excellent organisational performance.

For the permanent development of the asset �competence� in organisations, professional training and qualification measures have to be adapted to organisational and personal needs. Based on these activities, there is a chance to close existing competence gaps and to cope with new requirements in a result-oriented way.

11-12 November 2008, Stuttgart, Germany

Professional Training Facts 2008

Workshop on Contextualized Attention Metadata: Profiling and Modelling User Activities - Call for Papers

International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications: Metadata for Semantic and Social Applications

22-26 September 2008, Berlin, Germany

Submission deadline of tentative abstract: 12 June 2008

Submission deadline for paper submission: 23 June 2008

CAMA 2008

PROLEARN Summer School 2008 - Call for Participation

Deadline for applications is March 15th, 2008.

The PROLEARN Summer School will take place from June 15-21, 2008 in Ohrid, Macedonia.


Demo of the first prototype available

An animated screen capture of the first APOSDLE prototype is available.

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to the APOSDLE Website

Lifelong Learning has become an essential ingredient for success within our knowledge society. The EU project APOSDLE develops a software platform and tools to support you to learn @ work: Learn within the context of your immediate work and within your current work environment. The new Advanced Process- Oriented Self- Directed Learning Environment will provide you with practical guidance, learning content and expert advice when you need it and where you need it.

APOSDLE - new ways to work, learn and collaborate! read more...

Watch a short trailer of how APOSDLE can be applied in a company setting.

APOSDLE is a 48 months research and development integrated project partially supported by the European Community�under the Information Society Technologies�(IST) priority of the 6th framework programme for R&D (contract no. IST-027023).